Where do we start?¶
There are many ways to get started in machine learning (ML). Unfortunately, there are also a bewildering assortment of concepts and techniques. It is a little bit overwhelming. And the more one gets into ML, the more one realizes how much there is to know. Luckily, ML techniques tend to follow the same concepts, so understanding the common concepts would help frame other related algorithms. Let's explore some of the building blocks here.
How does a machine ‘learn’?¶
One of the easier ways to visualize how a machine learns from data is through a perceptron. Think of a perceptron as a mechanism that, after some trial-and-error, learns to automatically separate two sets of data. We give it a dataset containing two groups of something, and it will calculate a line that separates the two groups. The key part is that there is no explicit instruction provided (by humans) to calculate this line, other than a general instruction to minimize its mistake in classifying the items it is provided. Given a different set of the same two types of data, its learning progress will be different, but will generally be able to separate the two groups. Once a perceptron figures out this dividing line, it can then receive a new input, and it can decide whether that new input belongs to group A or group B. It is automatic, hence the learning part. Through some algorithm, it learns a pattern from the data, a pattern it uses to classify the data points into two groups.
The description above is intentionally vague. It might make more sense with some diagrams. The beauty with a perceptron is that its inner workings can be visualized as it goes through its trial-and-error phase.
This should give us an intuition on machine learning. But before we get there, let's wade through some math. :)
After some fallow years in the 70s through the 90s (called the "AI winter"), AI has been in some renaissance, ML in particular. Using new techniques and clever rethinking of old techniques, AI and ML have been hogging headlines again in the last few years, the most recent was AlphaGo early this year. But perceptrons, one of the earliest machine learning techniques, are not new. They existed before "machine learning" was even part of statistics and computer science literature, let alone when ML entered the jargon of technology journalists. The basic idea was explored in 1943 by Pitts and McCulloch, and in 1958 by Rosenblatt.
Its mechanism is simple (although if you visit Wikipedia, depending on your background, it might seem hard to understand). Perceptrons are often covered in ML under neural networks --it is after all a mathematical representation of a (very simplified) neuron and is the simplest ML neural network-- but it can be studied without any knowledge of how neurons or neural networks work. Below is the core math that describes a perceptron and the perceptron learning algorithm (PLA). It might appear complicated. We will discuss these equations in the following sections, and include some actual Python code.
$$\\ \\ y^{(i)} = \begin{cases} +1 & if \ f(\mathbf x^{(i)}) > threshold \\ -1 & otherwise \end{cases}$$$$\mathbf x^{(i)} \in \Bbb R^d,\;i=1,...,n$$
Note: I wrote the below based on how I understood the perceptron and its notations, so there is some likelihood my notation is a little different from a formal definition. Chances are the formal notation will be more compact (e.g., $\mathbf x \in \Bbb R^n$ and nothing else), leaving the intermediate constructs to the reader, based on familiarity with mathematical font styles and notations.
My goal was to de-construct this one, so I could more easily understand ML equations elsewhere. I am also only a couple of days into iPython Notebook and MathJax syntax, so I might have mislabeled some indices, superscripts, subscripts, or misused generally accepted font styles for certain variable types. I'll correct as I find errors. Writing accurate mathematical text is not easy! :)
That is, $$\mathbf x^{(i)}=(x_1^{(i)},x_2^{(i)},...,x_d^{(i)})$$ $$\mathbf X=\{\mathbf x^{(1)},\mathbf x^{(2)},...,\mathbf x^{(n)}\}$$
The algorithm calculates, $h_\mathbf w(\mathbf x)$ as an estimate for $y$, $$h_\mathbf w(\mathbf x) \approx y$$ $$h_w^{(i)} = \begin{cases} +1 & if \sum_{j=1}^{d} w_j x^{(i)}_j > threshold \\ -1 & otherwise \end{cases}$$
by adjusting, $$\mathbf w \in \Bbb R^d$$ $$\mathbf w=(w_1, w_2,..., w_d)$$
We start with the following: $$\sum_{j=1}^{d} w_j x_j > threshold$$ $$\sum_{j=1}^{d} w_j x_j - threshold > 0$$
To simplify, we treat the activation threshold (also called bias) as a member of the summation, thus revising $\mathbf w$: $$\sum_{j=1}^{d} w_j x_j + w_0 x_0 > 0$$ $$\sum_{j=0}^{d} w_j x_j > 0$$ $$where\;x_0=1\; and \; \mathbf w \in \Bbb R^{d+1}\ ( \mathbf w=(w_0, w_1,..., w_d) ) $$ $$\bbox[yellow] {h^{(i)}_w(x)=sign(\sum_{j=0}^{d} w_j x^{(i)}_j)}$$
In vector notation: $$\bbox[yellow] {h^{(i)}_\mathbf w(\mathbf x)=sign(\mathbf w\bullet \mathbf x^{(i)})}$$ $$\bbox[yellow] {h^{(i)}_\mathbf w(\mathbf x)=sign(\mathbf w^T \mathbf x^{(i)})}$$
Given a set of training data $\mathcal D$, the PLA algorithm iteratively (the subscript $k$) calculates values for $\mathbf w$ until all data points $\mathbf x^{(i)}$ through $\mathbf x^{(n)}$ are correctly classified: $$\mathcal D=(\mathbf X, \mathbf y)=\{(\mathbf x^{(1)},y^{(1)}),(\mathbf x^{(2)},y^{(2)}),...,(\mathbf x^{(n)},y^{(n)})\}$$$$\bbox[yellow] {\; \mathbf w_{k+1}=\mathbf w_{k}+y^{(i)}\mathbf x^{(i)}\; }$$
ML is littered with mildly daunting math like these. And I made it more complicated by expanding the intermediate steps! The operations on each element in a vector, vs over entire vectors, become very confusing. However, with repetition, they start to look the same across different ML techniques and recognizable enough to skip some of the indices. There are some variations in notation, but the patterns are similar. The key is to keep track of the indices and font styles.
Indices everywhere!
We are tracking three indices: (i) the data point sample index $i$, (ii) the feature index $j$, and (iii) the code iteration index $k$.
- The sample index runs from 1 through $n$ and is on the upper right corner of a variable $\mathbf x$, in a parenthesis, and only applies to $\mathbf x$. This can be disregarded or removed in a few places without changing the meaning. It is only there to remind me that this $\mathbf x$ is in fact one of many different $\mathbf x$'s.
- The feature index runs from 0 (because of the adjustment above) through $d$ and is on the lower right corner of vector variables $\mathbf w$ and $\mathbf x$.
- The code iteration index is $j$, ends where the code finds a solution or stops, and is on the lower left corner of variable $\mathbf w$.
Be aware though that often different indices are placed on the same corner, and it is up to the reader to determine what is referred via the font style. For example, instead of writing $x_i$ and $\mathbf x^i$, we might see $x_i$ and $\mathbf x_i$, with both indices on the lower right corner! It is implied however that the second $\mathbf x$ is a sample vector, not a vector element, so we would recognize it as referring to the sample index, not the feature index. Most equations will also keep on using $i$ for different indices, adding to confusion. Our only clue in this case would be the ending value: does it refer to features $d$ or sample $n$? Whew!!!
What do they mean?
Here's my attempt at explaining the above mathematical description:
- $y$ is a variable, or a function, that can only take a value either -1 or +1. This is the target function, the function whose behavior we do not know and have to estimate. The -1 or +1 values indicate that this is a binary classifier (a data point will be identified as one type or another). The function $y$ outputs +1 if the value of the unknown function is greather than zero, -1 otherwise. For example, if we assume that this function represents a line (i.e., the dividing line described earlier), any point above this line is assigned the value of +1, else -1. To repeat, we do not know the exact formula for $y$, but we can estimate it by observing the points it generates.
- $\mathbf x$, which appears in the function for $y=1$ and $h=1$, are the values of the features (read this as some measurable characteristics) associated with each data point. In a real example to identify a flower, we can think of one axis as representing the color of a flower, another axis as the average length of its petals, and so on. These can be any real number values (hence the set of real numbers $\Bbb R$). In our example below, we will limit the features from -1 to +1, and only use two features, thus two axes/dimensions: the horizontal axis feature, and the vertical axis feature. The number of features can be any number $d$. The 2-d representation will help easily visualize the dividing line. Each $\mathbf x$ (identified with the $i$ superscript) has its own features. We are given $n$ different data points.
- $h(\mathbf x)$, our 'guess' for the line that divides the two sets of data. This may or may not be equal to $y$, but it would be close. The function $sign$ means it will output the sign of the enclosed calculation, in effect, -1,+1, or 0.
- $\mathbf w$, which is also in the summation for $h=1$, is a set of parameters or weights. Its values affect the summation in $h(\mathbf x)$, hence it affects the location and orientation of the 'guess' line. They are automatically calculated by some algorithm. Each feature (axis) has its own $w$. This $w$ can be interpreted as controlling how much of the value of a feature is added to the sum (influences the line). For example, the algorithm might determine that to identify one flower vs another, it only needs to look at color, so color will have a higher weight effect than,say, petal length.
- The summation of $w*x$ is an element-wise multiplication between corresponding $w$'s and $x$'s, followed by an addition --i.e., a sum of products. If we treat $w$ and $x$ as vectors (they are vectors, as $\mathbf w$ and $\mathbf x$), we can take advantage of vector operations. On a single example, we can use a dot product, which multiplies the transpose of $\mathbf w$ and $\mathbf x$, that is $\mathbf w^T \mathbf x$. There is no need to understand a transpose and a dot product for now (good internet references abound), as long as we accept that the result is the same as the sum of products.
- The PLA is straightforward. It simply updates the values for $w$ (inside $\mathbf w$) whenever there is an error, and the magnitude of the change is equal to the value for $\mathbf x \bullet y(\mathbf x^{(i)})$. This will 'push' the value of $\mathbf w$ towards the opposite direction, exactly because whatever value of $h(\mathbf x_i)$ was generated by that $\mathbf w$, it led to an error. Therefore it has to be corrected, and $y(\mathbf x_i)$ is the opposite of $h(\mathbf x_i)$. Its influence (that is, the parameter weights $\mathbf w$) has to be lessened (or increased, depending on the sign of the correct outcome). $\mathbf w$ is a vector, so it is made up of $w_0$, $w_1$, and $w_2$. All of these will be updated. The larger the error in each feature ($x_0$, $x_1$, and $x_2$), respectively, the larger the correction for the corresponding $\mathbf w$ ($w_0$, $w_1$, and $w_2$).
Other important observations:
- Target function $y$ vs guess function $h$: The rules that determine the value of $y$ in the above description is a function that depends on $\mathbf x$. It can be any function (but only linear functions can be cleanly separated by a PLA). In contrast, the estimate for $h$ has a more recognizable form --a linear equation, $h=w_0+w_1x_1+w_2x_2+...+w_dx_d$-- with parameter $w$. In our example later, we will pick a linear equation for $y$ using a similar form --$y=\beta_0+\beta_1x$, parameterized by $\beta$. In this context, the PLA is trying to find $w$'s that approximate $\beta$'s, as a way of approximating $y$. However, the formula for $y$ that generates the data points does not have to be in this form always, i.e., not $y = \beta_0 + \beta_1x$. As long as the data points generated by any form of $y$ and seen by the perceptron are separable, the PLA will find a line that separates these points, using a linear equation with parameter $\mathbf w$. We will explore an example later.
- The update rule above, $\mathbf w_{i+1}=\mathbf w_{i}+y^{(i)}\mathbf x^{(i)}$ for a PLA, is common in ML. The more general notation is $$\mathbf w_{i+1}=\mathbf w_{i}-\alpha \delta \mathbf x^{(i)}$$ where $\alpha$ is the learning rate and $\delta$ is the error.
- The learning rate is the size of the steps $(0 < \alpha \le 1)$ at which a learning algorithm 'learns'. Bigger typically means a faster path to a solution, but big steps can also mean a longer time to find a result because the PLA keeps on missing the solution by jumping too far, then jumping back too far again. If too large, the PLA might not even reach a solution. We will explore this via examples. The learning rate in PLA is generally set to 1.0. In ML notation, the learning rate is also represented as $\eta$.
- The $\delta$ represents the magnitude of the error caused by the current guess, and its value is used to adjust the weight $w$. The bigger the error, the bigger the adjustment. In PLA, this is simply -1 or +1, the value of $y$. It could also be calculated as $-1*(h(x_i^{(i)}) - 0)$, but this fails when we initialize at $\mathbf w=\mathbf0$, or as an error term, $(h(x_i^{(i)}) - y(x_i))$. This latter version is used in a variation of a perceptron (called Adaline, for Adaptive Linear Element), and is a direct effect of the Adaline's use of $(h(x_i^{(i)}) - y(x_i))^2$ as its error measure, otherwise known as squared error. This is an error measure that will come up again, in linear regression for instance.
The Perceptron Learning Algorithm (PLA)¶
Let's parse the above mathematical description into code. The entries in yellow highlight above are what matters. $h_w(\mathbf x)$ is a 'guess' line. It may or may not be close to the 'actual' line $y$. The location and orientation of $h_w(\mathbf x)$ is influenced by parameters inside the current vector $\mathbf w$. The first three highlighted formula are similar, just different ways of representing $h_w(\mathbf x)$. The parameter vector $\mathbf w$ is updated using the fourth highlighted formula (this is the 'learning' part).
A little prologue on the code
I use Python. It is easy to learn and read. More importantly, I need Python because of little libraries that make programming ML algorithms easy. One such helper library is called NumPy. NumPy provides support to handle large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with fast mathematical operations commonly applied to arrays. Other useful libraries are: matplotlib (for plotting graphs), SciPy (a NumPy extension focused on scientific calculations), scikit-learn (a library of ready-made ML algorithms), and pandas (for extracting data from files).
The general logic of the perceptron learning algorithm is as follows:
- Start with a 'guess' line.
- Pick a point in the dataset. Calculate its type based on the guess line in #1. If it is to the left of the line, say, Type A; Type B otherwise.
- Check if the guessed type is correct. If misclassified, adjust the location/orientation of the 'guess' line so this particular point becomes correctly classified. This adjustment might mean the new 'guess' line will cause misclassifications elsewhere that would otherwise have been correct in the previously guessed line. This behavior of sometimes causing more misclassifications is to be expected.
- Repeat from #2 until all points are correctly classified, or the algorithm reaches a pre-defined stopping criteria.
Most PLA code will randomly select a misclassified point. In this code, I go through the points in sequence, checking if it is misclassified. The points are randomly generated at the start, so this shortcut does not affect the PLA search other than a slower execution, while allowing predictable/reproducible runs.
In Python, the core code is made up of the following lines:
In [ ]:
# this is a code fragment and won't run; merge with data generator to run
# this is meant to show the surprisingly short PLA logic
# setup parameters
d = 2 # number of features
rate = 0.1 # learning rate
# prepare weights vector w and feature vector X, including w0 and x0=1
w = np.random.rand(d + 1)
X = np.array(np.ones(shape = (n, d + 1)))
X[:, 1:] = X_n.T # X_n is from the data generator, check dimensions
# initialize guesses vector given initial weights
h = np.array(np.sign(np.dot(w, X.T)))
# set error flag
error_mask = h != y
error = True if error_mask.any() else False
# while there are errors, keep on processing
while error:
# sequentially go through data points
for i, xn in enumerate(X):
# calculate the type based on current weights
h[i] = np.sign(np.dot(w.T, xn))
# is guess the same as the actual type?
if h[i] != y[i]:
# update weights if error
w += y[i] * xn * rate
# update guesses vector given new weights
h = np.array(np.sign(np.dot(w, X.T)))
# check for remaining errors
error_mask = h != y
# check for remaining errors after for loop
error_mask = h != y
# update error flag
error = True if error_mask.any() else False
Notice that the operations closely follow the mathematical description earlier. This is made possible by NumPy (NumPy has a sign function, who knew!?!). The one odd thing is that NumPy creates arrays as row vectors, so the transpose is not necessary (the transpose does not seem to have any effect against 1-d arrays). The only calculation not shown in the previous equations is applying $\mathbf w$ against the entire matrix of $\mathbf X$ (that is, all data points $\mathbf x^{(1)}$ through $\mathbf x^{(m)}$), which we need to quickly detect misclassified points. Several other options are provided below for comparison.
In [ ]:
# The following operations produce the same h[i].
# w and x are 1d arrays (row vectors) so the transpose has no effect.
# the first entry is the sum of products method
# The following operations produce the same h.
# w is a 1d array (row vector) so the transpose has no effect.
# X, a matrix, has to be transposed if second argument in numpy.dot().
Why is NumPy useful in ML code?
NumPy allows vectorized array operations. Most operations in ML use vectors, which are typically represented as arrays in code. In standard programming, if we have to add elements of two arrays, we will write for loops for each axis, then add each element. It is easy to make a mistake in the indices of these loops and arrays. For loops in Python are also slow. Vectorized operations are far simpler: we just add two vectors like we would add two simple variables. NumPy does the hard work. And they are a lot faster! Pure Python code is slow, whereas NumPy uses optimized C libraries perfected by an army of highly motivated expert volunteers. The examples below produce the same result: (i) a traditional for loop, (ii) a Python list comprehension, and (iii) vector addition, with broadcasting. List comprehensions are typically faster than for loops, but in this example, this method creates different arrays inside the list comprehension itself, which renders the list comprehension pointless. Notice the runtimes....
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import timeit
# use traditional nested for loops
def forloop(go_print):
for i, b_row in enumerate(B):
for j, b_rowcol in enumerate(b_row):
# add, element-wise, A to each row in B
C[i,j] = A[j] + B[i,j]
if go_print: print('C = A + B, using nested for loops:', C)
# use Python's list comprehension
def listcomp(go_print):
C = np.array([[a_rc + b_rc for a_rc, b_rc in zip(A, b_row)] for b_row in B])
if go_print: print('C = A + B, using nested list comprehensions:', C)
# use vectorized addition
# NumPy will 'repeat' A to match the number of rows in B; 'broadcasting' in NumPy
def vector(go_print):
C = A + B
if go_print: print('C = A + B, using vectorized addition:', C)
# main code
# generate some arrays
A = np.ones(3)
B = np.array([(2,2,2),(3,3,3),(4,4,4)])
C = np.zeros(shape=(3,3))
print('A:', A)
print('B:', B)
# print results
%timeit forloop(False)
%timeit listcomp(False)
%timeit vector(False)
The rest of the code are to create the data and plot the graphs. It took me a lot longer tweaking the sample data creation (Numpy random) and graphs (matplotlib) than coding the PLA section. This was both a satisfying and a frustrating point: writing ML-specific code is not that bad after all is said and done, for a perceptron anyway, but refining the graphics and presentation takes a lot more trial and error!
Data generator¶
The data generator creates a vector of 2-d points over a sample space from -1 to +1 in each axis, using a uniform random number generator. Then it generates two (x, y) points to mark the end points of a line. This is the separation line. On one side of this line, all sample points are labeled as Type +1. On the other side are Type -1, including points that happen to be exactly on the dividing line. We can also run a model that assigns 0 to points that are collinear to the dividing line. For simplicity here, there is no Type 0 on the training data labels. The PLA code with numpy.sign() just assumes a 0 is a mismatch.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# setup sample size and dimensions (fixed at 2d)
d = 2 # features, dimensions
n = 10 # sample size
# generate n random sample using a uniform distribution from -1 to +1
X_n = np.array([np.random.uniform(-1, +1, n), np.random.uniform(-1, +1, n)])
print('X_n:', X_n)
# generate the two end points of the separating line
x_div = np.array([np.random.uniform(-1, +1), np.random.uniform(-1, +1)])
y_div = np.array([np.random.uniform(-1, +1), np.random.uniform(-1, +1)])
print('x_div:', x_div)
print('y_div:', y_div)
# slope and y-int calcs from m=rise/run and y=mx+b
# slope will fail on divide by zero, so just restart if error
slope = (y_div[1] - y_div[0]) / (x_div[1] - x_div[0])
b = y_div[0] - slope * x_div[0]
print('slope:', slope)
print('b:', b)
# determine the type of each point in sample n; false captures <=
# the mask is useful in plotting points; otherwise, calculate y directly
type_mask = X_n[1] > slope * X_n[0] + b
print('type_mask:', type_mask)
# training data correct classification; calculate y for each data point
y = [+1 if row == True else -1 for row in type_mask]
print('y:', y)
Plots of initial trials
Let's test the code. The PLA is trying to find a line that separates the two groups of data (blue circles and green squares). This guessed line might not be the exact line that we used to assign points to a group (the red line), but it will be close. The PLA does not know the location of the red line. Getting as close to this original line using only a small set of observations is the whole point of ML.
The images are faster than the actual code. The images capture the iterations when there is an update to $\mathbf w$, that is, when there is a discrepancy, whereas the actual code goes through all points sequentially. The progress of the actual code slows down as it gets closer to a solution, because almost all of the points have been correctly classified at that point.
These examples use $n=10$ samples, and a learning rate $\alpha=0.1$. The small learning rate shows a gradual shift towards the red line, whereas $\alpha=1.0$ will cause huge and seemingly random jumps.
Below are $n=50$ examples. Note the higher accuracy (closer to matching the red line) with more n samples, and the longer iteration. Even with a small learning rate, when there is a very thin gap between two opposing points relative to the orientation of the current best line, the PLA tends to overshoot:
Wait, this thing is guessing each time?
You're right. But it is guessing with some 'intelligence' built-in. It is using the error to make adjustments. It gets better each time (it can also get worse sometimes), but over many iterations, it is more likely to get better. In fact, in a PLA with a low learning rate and linearly separable data, it will converge to a solution.
... this sounds like something in calculus.
Yes and no.
Yes, this is similar to minimizing some function, which is the magnitude of the discrepancy between the guessed type relative to the actual type of a data point.
No, because a PLA does not strictly apply an error value as the adjustment. It simply forces either a -1 or a +1 multiplier as the error adjustment. In fact, trying to minimize $h(x)$ for a PLA using a single expression is considered impossible because it is a step function (jumps abruptly from -1 to +1).
If this were an Adaline network, where the adjustment is $(h_x-y)\mathbf x$, then the algorithm is minimizing some function exactly the way we do in calculus, and is an example of stochastic gradient descent. We will encounter this term many times in ML. For now, think of it as a way to find the lowest value of some error function.
Now that we know how it works, let's answer a few easy questions
-- Does it matter where you start the line (i.e., initial conditions)?
No, the update will start to move the line to the intended target.
-- What happens if we tweak some of the PLA parameters?
We did a few tweaks above, by changing the number of training data $n$ and the learning rate $\alpha$. A higher $n$ helps accuracy, but tends to take longer. A lower $\alpha$ slows progress, but the march to the solution is more certain.
-- What happens if the scales are not equal?
The bigger scaled axis will dominate the update, and the iteration will take longer as it will tend to converge on the dominating axis first. The iteration will generally take longer. We can test this easily.
-- What happens if the range is 0-1, not -1 to +1?
It should still work. The value of $\mathbf x$ is part of the update. This is also easy to test.
-- Will it always find a line that cleanly separates the sample data?
If the data available for training is separable by a straight line, yes. The more precise answer is yes, if the data points used in the training are separable by a straight line. That is, we can manipulate and transform the original points into a different set of points that can then be separated by a straight line. This is an advanced concept that we will not cover here (maybe in a future post). This often involves adding more features/axes, some might be new features (more data!), or some could be composites or transformations of existing features. The thinking is that the new representation would show that the two groups are linearly distinct from each other. However, finding actual fully linearly separable data is rare. We often have to assume a level of misclassification.
-- If the target function $y$ is not known, how do we know that it is linearly separable?
We won't know. The PLA will only converge (stop) if the sample generated by $y$ and given to us for training purposes is linearly separable. If not linearly separable, the PLA will not stop.
-- There should be a mechanism to stop, if the search is not working out!
There should be. To force a PLA to stop, we can either stop by setting a maximum repetition threshold (e.g., run 200 times max), or by setting an acceptable accuracy/error threshold (e.g., stop if less than 2% of data points are misclassified).
-- But if it stops suddenly, and because the 'guessed' line appears to be jumping around while the PLA is searching, wouldn't we end up with a worse 'guessed' line if we stop at the wrong time? In this case, can't we go back to an earlier better line? Sounds like a logical thing to do.
Yes, this is called the Pocket algorithm. Before I learned that it had an official name, I called it king-of-the-hill, a standard algorithm useful when sequentially searching for max/min over a list. As we go through a list, we keep the best so far, replacing only when we find a better choice. Changing the above code to accommodate the Pocket algorithm is a trivial change. We do have to create a measurement for what is 'better', such as the percent accuracy.
-- How can we ensure that the guessed line is close enough/as close as possible to the actual line that separated the data?
This is the question. And this is exactly what scientists and researchers are trying to improve: getting as close as possible to an unknown line, given a limited set of training data. The non-answer answer is: there are different techniques out there. And like you, I am excited to learn them....
How does this connect to other ML techniques?
The perceptron is a binary linear classifier. From here, we can go to linear regression (conceptually similar to a perceptron, except it produces real numbers instead of +1/-1), logistic regression (a linear regression with real number output restricted to between -1 and +1), neural networks (a perceptron is in fact a very simple neural network), and support vector machines.
Can we see this in action using real data?
We will try a little experiment in the future, using standard 'toy' datasets commonly used in ML.
Next stop: More PLA experiments
Now that we have the foundations for a linear classifier, we can test various scenarios to see how ML learning behaves, in the context of a perceptron.
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